Recently, I came across the new app, Postagram, that allows you to send real postcards from your mobile device. Postagram is bringing back the personal touch that "snail mail" provided. 
The App sends a real postcard with a pop-out photo of your choice. You can write a 140 character message and send it to anywhere around the world. 

I recently downloaded the app and loved it! The FREE Download also came with 5 FREE postcards (normally 99 cents each)! I thought this was a great way to use digital photos for other than just Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

The process was as easy as loading a picture to Instagram or Facebook. 1) type in the address 2) pick a photo 3) write a message 4) send it on its way. 

I recently sent one to a friend in California. She absolutely loved it and thought it was great that she was able to just pop-out the picture and have it as a keepsake. 

Postagram found a unique way to use all the digital photos that we take on a regular basis. It's a great way to provide added value for customers. They not only get to send a great postcard to someone they love, but they are also giving the little gift of an actual picture that the receiver can keep.

Scan the QR code to download Postagram on your phone today! 

Photos from